Twin Ridges Elementary School District
16661 Old Mill Rd. • Nevada City, CA 95959 • (530) 265-9052
The Twin Ridges Elementary School District operates under the guidance of an elected Board of Trustees. The trustees are representative of the community they serve and are dedicated to the education of the children in their community.
The Board of Trustees regularly meets at 4pm on the second Tuesday of each month at Grizzly Hill School.
Agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the scheduled date and time on the main kiosk at Grizzly Hill School, the North San Juan Post Office bulletin board, and on our website. Agendas can also be requested by calling the District Office at (530) 265-9052. Board meetings are open to the public.
Malik Goodman
Mindi Morton
Lorien Whitestone
Aubrey Puetz
Jonathan Farrell