Twin Ridges Elementary School District
16661 Old Mill Rd. • Nevada City, CA 95959 • (530) 265-9052
Get in touch with your teacher to see what you can do to help out in the classroom.
Our Parent Teacher Club is extremely important to the success of our school. We are lucky to have a small core of dedicated parents, community members and a teacher coordinating many events and activities. We hope you will join us and become actively involved in your child’s school. Projects include fundraisers and family events.
If you would like more information, to volunteer, or to make a supply donation, please contact:
Meetings are held once a month
on the first Tuesday at 3:20 p.m.
Sunshine Bender sbender@tresd.org
$ for the purchase of Library books, $ for each teacher to buy supplies, purchase school spirit T-shirts, support and supply the student store.
Future Purchase:
Aluminum Bleachers, Organic Meat for school lunches.
Community Events:
Monthly Community Dinners, Family Movie Nights, Football Concession Stand, Bingo Night, Fall Bulb Sale, T-shirt fundraiser, Halloween Carnival, Field Day, End-of-the-year School Picnic, Teacher Appreciation Lunch, Volunteer Appreciation Tea